Spectro-spatial evolution of the CMB III: transfer functions, power spectra and Fisher forecasts


Tom Kite, Andrea Ravenni and Jens Chluba


December 6, 2022

This paper is the final installment in the spectro-spatial series. Here we take the bottom line equations from the previous paper and numerically solve them. We distill the physical meaning and origin of each term in order to properly build up the physics in the solutions. We show for the first time distorted CMB power spectra and transfer functions following average energy injections at arbitrary times in the early universe. We also show that forecasts for future CMB imagers will be able to constrain average energy injection beyond the limits set by COBE/FIRAS.

Arxiv preprint

Published version

The CMB power spectrum arising from angular correlations between µ- and y-distortion shapes with temperature. The CMB power spectrum arising from angular correlations between µ- and y-distortion with and temperature.